Friday, January 6, 2012


I am so happy with my designs- Speedy LOVEcar and a LOVEbird with the bible verse of  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" Mark 12:30. I picked this bible verse because I don't think its ever too young to teach children to love God with everything they have- heart, soul, mind and strength.

$15- infant/ toddler
$19- Long sleeved

Please email me at sizes and mailing address.
All mailed orders, there will be a small $4 shipping and handling fee.
I am getting paypal too which should make paying easier for both you and me.
My prayer is that you love this as much as I loved hand sketching it!
Many blessings to you and express your love today!


  1. love that little bird shirt Genea!! so adorable! may 2012 be a wonderful year for you and PRAISEwear!
