Friday, July 1, 2011

Praying for your kids

Praying for your kids is so important especially in this crazy and fallen world. Not only praying for kids is important, but also teaching your kids how to pray. I can honestly say that some of the most precious prayers are from kids, their thoughts are so sweet and honest. I recently read an insightful article on ways to pray for your kids from "Thriving Family-focus on the family" magazine. I cut it out and have it on my fridge for sweet reminders. :) I would like to share with you too-
Ways to pray for your kids:
Pray for protection- Ask the Lord to watch over your little ones as they play and your teens as they drive. Trust that the Lord will protect your kids in every way- body, mind and spirit (Psalm 5:11)
Pray for grace (both for them and for you)- Ask God to help your family love each other well (2 Corinthians 9:8).
Pray for wisdom- Ask God to help your children understand the difference between right and wrong and how to respond to difficult situations (Philippians 1:9-11)
Pray for people in authority- Pray for teachers, coaches, pastors and other who may have influence in your children's lives (1 Timothy 2:1-3)
Pray for their daily choice- pray that your children will understand that obedience brings safety and blessing (Ephesians 6:1).
I also have been reading on and off is "A mom after God's own heart- 10 ways to love your Children" by Elizabeth George and one of the chapters is teaching your children to pray.  It was really encouraging to read about the difference ways and times to pray with your kids and also have them practice prayer. The impact is significant if you keep prayer a priority in your family. If you are curious, the other chapters include- take time to nurture your heart, teach your children God's word, talk to your children about God, tell your children about Jesus, train your children in God's ways, take are of your children, take your children to church, teach your children to pray, try your best, and tall to God about your children. Its a GREAT book, have read half of the book and LOVE it! I journal all my favorite points and there are personal and practical sections at the end of each chapter too!
PRAY for your kids and teach your kids how to PRAY! The bible instructs us to so equip your sweetest blessings with a gift of prayer!
God bless!

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