Saturday, March 19, 2011

STRENGTH for Bennet

I often wonder why God picks the people or the families to endure serious and scary moments throughout life. Why sweet babies, young kids, youth, early 20's, mid 30's...up to the experienced elders??  I have been a mommy for 2.5 years now and can't imagine if one of my two kids were fighting for their life. I know that everything is in God's will and the power of prayer is amazing, but the emotional side of your sweetest blessing going through whatever it is, rather than yourself have to be very difficult. While blogging the other day, Bennet came to my mind and heart and decided to give him this shirt! A shirt of HOPE and STRENGTH! My heart and prayers goes out to Bennet and his family right now. I trust and believe God has big plans for you!

God bless you sweet child!

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