Saturday, March 19, 2011

PRAISEwear logo

My girlfriend that I ran college track with at New Mexico State University earned her degree in graphic designing. I reached out to Celeste (CPdesigns) and asked if she had time to create my logo, took about a month to nail it perfect! I am all about supporting the mommy home businesses while we take care our sweetest blessings! It gives us mommies a chance to use our "professional and business" side of our brain, make/create relationships, experience the joy of seeing others happy with our products and the monetary benefits is a bonus! A huge thank you to CPdesigns for helping me add more to my line of clothing!

PRAISEwear logo clothing are available in onesies, shirts for all sizes and even for adults! 
Please contact me at or find me on facebook and become a fan!

STRENGTH for Bennet

I often wonder why God picks the people or the families to endure serious and scary moments throughout life. Why sweet babies, young kids, youth, early 20's, mid 30's...up to the experienced elders??  I have been a mommy for 2.5 years now and can't imagine if one of my two kids were fighting for their life. I know that everything is in God's will and the power of prayer is amazing, but the emotional side of your sweetest blessing going through whatever it is, rather than yourself have to be very difficult. While blogging the other day, Bennet came to my mind and heart and decided to give him this shirt! A shirt of HOPE and STRENGTH! My heart and prayers goes out to Bennet and his family right now. I trust and believe God has big plans for you!

God bless you sweet child!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sadie JOY

PRAISEwear gives me a lot of opportunities to get creative for gift giving!
A daughter of one of my favorite family just turned 5! So hard to believe that she is 5 years old considering I met her for the first time at a couples bible study when she was about 7 months old!
Sadie has such a sweet soul that cares so much about her family, always greets you with a smile and a hug and is just full of joy! Sadie's favorite bible verse is my top five:
Galatians 5:22-23, the fruit of the spirit.



Find PRAISEwear on facebook and become a fan or email me at

Blessed to be IRISH!

A friend of mine text me asking me to make a St. Patty's shirt for her sweet daughter. I was thinking how can I entwine an Irish shirt with my ministry.

Well, if you know a little history, which I learned last year after reading a friend's photography blog-, Patrick came to Ireland and witnessed to the Irish people and has been given some credit bringing Christianity to the Irish people. It is said that he used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the concept of the Trinity representing the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit....I guess a four-leafed clover is "lucky!" Why so we celebrate St. Patty's day on the 17th? It is because he died on March 17, 461!

After texting back and forth shirt ideas, "Blessed to be IRISH" came to my mind and it was perfect! We were both so excited!

Marissa, I can't wait to see little Miss Sadester wearing this cool shirt on St. Patty's Day!!
Love and miss your family!


Find me on facebook and become a fan or email me at!

Bennet..."ah-ha" God moment!

Its amazing how God works in your lives and puts certain people on your heart. While I was blogging about the personalized Brayden and Camden shirts and how a lion represents strength, Bennet came to my mind. I don't know this family, but through prayer requests, facebook updates, he is on my heart!

Let me share... there is a 12 yr old boy that goes to my church that has been fighting for his life and is anxiously awaiting for a heart transplant. He almost died last week, but Praise the Lord, he fought through and is doing so much better this week. As part of my ministry of PRAISEwear, my goal is to help make a difference from one family to another. And in this case, give a child and his family HOPE and STRENGTH to get through this!

Lord, I pray that you can give Bennet and his family the strength to get through this tough and emotional time. I have hope in you to work a miracle, to have a happy ending, to give this family an amazing testimony of your power. Thank you God for this opportunity to give! AMEN!

I am making Bennet a shirt with a lion, a lion of STRENGTH, a lion of HOPE...

Please pray for him and family, thanks!

Love and prayer,

Personalized LION

My first personalized onesies were for my friends twin babies as a baby shower gift and I used pictures that she drew for her kids. The boy onesie was a cute froggy and the girl onesie was a sweet butterfly. As you know, I love butterflies so I changed the butterfly to make it my own and had to think of another animal for the boys. Puppies, monkeys, bears, tiger, giraffe...the list goes on...are all cute baby animals, but the one that I fell in love with is a LION.

Lion represents strength and power. And strength and power all comes from God. God gives us the strength and power to do and get through anything for the glory and purpose of his will for us.  "I can do all things through HIM who gives me STRENGTH" Philippians 4:13. Just had an "ah-ha" God moment, see next blog post....

Brayden is a going to be a "BIG brother" come May!
How sweet to have matching shirts for the brothers!

Camden will be here in May!

Good Luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
God Bless!