After my daughter was born, I had a goal that around 6 months of age, I would start researching a home based business or a passionate hobby to get involved with to keep me busy on my spare time and for additional income. Well, the Lord only knew...
One Sunday morning during a church service, the pastor was talking about making a difference...kinda started to daydream about what I can do in my life to make a difference. Randomly the Lord was telling me something! The idea was to start screenprinting shirts and bibs with bible verses! Immediately I wrote the idea down on my service outline and showed my husband! Ideas and thoughts started to overflow my brain! Business or hobby, company name, where and how do I screenprint?! what bible verses, what creative designs should I come up with, what is the many things were running through my head so I started an idea journal, which has helped me sooo much! I also asked a few close friends their thoughts and their response and encouragement was amazing.
Where to start?! My girlfriend was having a baby shower for her twins and I thought that would be a perfect opportunity to create a couple things and even see if its worth all my time and effort. So I contacted a screenprinting company, Inkling, and explained to the owner my idea of PRAISEwear, got some feedback and quotes. I thought and prayed about it. The sweet creation of my onesies and bibs came to mind and emailed him. The finished product was amazing and beautiful, I loved it! Right then I knew the Lord would bless PRAISEwear and the direction of it because I am praising his word! So, here I am now, bought a mini home screenprinting machine (now I have to learn how to use it) and still using Inkling! I created a facebook fanpage and blog to display my creations and slowly getting exposure. At this point, I am keeping things simple because I have a sweet family that I have to focus on, but I know with everything that I have come up with will make a difference. I truly believe in God's word and his scripture applies to our lives...2 in particular with this moment was "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10 and "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11.
Be blessed!
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