Monday, August 17, 2015

Here's to new beginnnings

I started PRAISEwear (PW) about 4 years ago with the intent to create a little hobby while home with my children. Quickly as they got older (and stopped napping, you can see previous blog posts), my husband's promotion and position/schedule changed at work and I started a seasonal job with the local high school coaching, plus all the extra stuff of life, I realized I couldn't wear all the hats I wanted to. I was starting to feel like I was losing joy in things and that was not my goal. Something had to be put on hold and it was PRAISEwear. I wasn't necessarily crushed by it because I still was gift giving shirts and did a few custom orders here and there. It also allowed the Lord to create other serving opportunities in the children's capacity as well as growing my relationship with Jesus Christ through bible studies, experiences, and  hardships. I also had a few months in the last few years where I have completely taken a facebook break to allow God to grow me with one less distraction and some other personal reasons which also made it difficult to be on social media for PW. It just wasn't the time to be completely be all in. Now, fast forward a couple years, our kids are in Kindergarten and first grade...still can't believe how fast time really does fly by! Its been on my heart since June to slowly get back into encouraging online, thinking of new ideas, being inspired by a new season of life. Honestly, I felt like God was speaking to me because two people asked me in one day and then another day about PRAISEwear. So, I started posting and sharing in July and now my goal is to share something daily. I've been praying about sharing my heart more, being vulnerable (people like that...I like that!)...if you know me personally, being transparent is not a problem for me. :) So, here's to hope of new beginnings with PRAISEwear and trusting God on where and how he wants to use me with it to glorify His Kingdom. And of course for more children to Praise the Lord by wearing His word!