Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Today was the last lesson day at our community bible study that we go to every Wednesday morning. The children usually do a coloring page about what they learned for the day. Today was on Heaven! Jayden was SOOO and is still SOOO excited about heaven! The things kids say about getting to heaven is hilarious! One of my favorites was "I can't wait to see GOLD"...there were some other really silly things...the things that come out of a 3 year old's mouth! :) And then of course my all most 2 year old, Maddy gets really excited, shouting, "heaven, heaven"!

I had a moment to share that you can get to heaven by believing in Jesus with all your heart and believing that Jesus is the son of God and that he died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead 3 days later.....they were still so excited about all that! Jayden exclaims, "I believe!" and Maddy follows with "believe!" Thank you Jesus for this sweet moment with my kids, thank you for seeing their genuine true excitement about Jesus. My prayer is that they stay this way, following Jesus with a passionate heart!
Thank you CBS and thank you leaders of the children's ministry for supporting my kiddos faith!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I'm not sure about you, but Spring is flying by! I'm not sure if its because of coaching or all the extra stuff packed in my schedule, but I still can't believe that we are half way through April. Easter already came and gone and Mother's day is on the horizon. Part of me is feeling disappointed in myself for not launching a website as expected, barely making Easter shirts on time, and I am not doing Mother's day shirts or aprons. I even have a fundraising type project on my lap, but haven't had a chance to put it together with a clear mind. The one thing that I am doing, but not daily, is posting something encouraging on facebook. To all my PRAISEwear fan, I PROMISE that after track season, a NEW line of designs will be displayed and this summer will be a good time to get a website up and running. I am sorry if I have disappointed any of you or if none have you noticed, prayers would be appreciated. :)
Thanks and many blessings today.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Through the eyes of a 3yr old

Here is Jayden explaining the Easter Garden we made on Good Friday. Jayden talks about what cross Jesus died on, who died on the other crosses, what happened to Jesus' body after he died, how many days did he stay in the tomb and where he is today!

Jayden always says that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and a sin is being naughty. And being naughty is not listening, not sharing, being unloving and not being gentle with sister Maddy.
My heart melts teaching the kids about Jesus!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Garden

I saw this super cool idea- Resurrection Garden on (from a college friends fb post) which led me to the blog of: I fell in love with this concept for many reasons. The main reason being that it was a great visual to teach my kids what Easter weekend is all about and felt that it was relative to make on Good Friday! Although Maddy is alittle young to understand and Jayden seems confused with 'Jesus is risen', the seed is planted and growing! :)

It was super easy and fun to make! We modified the DIY instructions of the project that suited our family as well as the availability of supplies at the store. Originally, my mind was set on the 2 inch mini terracotta flower pot, but Walmart only had the bigger ones. So I bought the bigger tray to accommodate the bigger flower pot. With two little ones in tow, the last thing I wanted to do is drive store to store to the perfect size flower pot.

Here's what you need for your Easter Garden:

1. Your sweetest blessing(s). Maddy was running around the yard, she eventually helped :)

2. pile of rocks- courtesy of our backyard
You can buy your preference of rock

3. Artifical flowers
(or plant grass seeds and watch it grow)

4. Big rock from Gramma's backyard

5. Terra Cotta plate from the gardening section at Wal-mart
6 twigs (from our backyard).
Super glue didn't work for us so I found brown thread from
 my sewing kit and figure-eight the twigs together.

6. 4 inch mini flower pot
(I think the two inch would work better if you want a "hill" look shown on pinterest)

7. Potting soil
Thankfully we already had some at home
because we are planning on planting some flowers.

8. Set the mini flower pot on the plate

9. Moisture the soil and pat around the mini flower pot
Add rocks

10. Have your sweetest blessing(s) place the crosses in the soil.

11. Maddy added the final touches of the flowers

Final Look!
We are all so happy with the way it turned out!

Blessings from our family to yours!