Sunday, December 11, 2011

LAST DAY OF 12 days of CHRISTmas!

12th day special is- Buy a CHRISTmas tree long sleeved shirt and get a $3 credit toward your next "holiday" purchase, example- Valentine's, Easter, etc.

CHRISTmas tree shirt:
Kids shirts are $15
Adult shirts are $17

What I have left in stock is:

Girl Sizes:
2- 4T
3- 5/6
2- girls Extra Small
1- girls Small
2- youth Small

Boy Sizes:
1- 2T

Women Sizes:
2- Smalls
3- Mediums
3- Large
4- XL
1- XXL

Email me at with sizes, mailing address and any other questions.

9th, 10th and 11th day specials

clearly, I'm not the best at blogging! Need to make a better habit!

9th- On the 9th day of CHRISTmas Special- LOVEbug for $7 plus s&h (regularly $12-15)
10th- PRAISEwear logo onesie- $6 plus $2s&h (regularly $15) 3, 9 and 12 months onesies available.
11th- Heart of the Home- Proverbs 31 aprons. I have (2) waist-$28 and (1) full- $30. Great gifts for MOMS, DAUGHTERS, WIVES and even for a FRIEND, Christmas is just 2 weeks away!

check back tomorrow to see! :)

Blessings, Genea 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

And the 8th day of CHRISTmas...

PERSONALIZED short sleeved white onesie (newborn- 9months sizes only) with the choices of: brown Lion or purple Butterfly AND Pslam 139:14, Jeremiah 29:11 OR James 1:17 for only $13 plus s&h (regular $20!) GREAT baby shower, welcome baby or Christmas gifts!
Email me at child's name, design and bible verse. Thanks!

5th, 6th, 7th Day of CHRISTmas!

‎5th Day of CHRISTmas special- Buy a $10 PRAY for KATIE shirt (100% proceeds goes to Katie and family) and get something 20% off! Pray for Katie this week, big week of tests! God is faithful and is listening to our prayers. thx
Day 6 Special- 2 pk onesie combo for $5 plus s&h. I have (2) 6-9 mos LOVEtie and Sweetest blessing lion for boys and (2) 12mos LOVEbug and Sweetest blessing butterfly girls.
Day 7 special- Last years Happy Birthday Jesus shirts $5!!! Only 3, get yours today to wear all month!
I only have (1) boys 2T (could work for girls too) white long sleeved, (1) girls 3T purple long sleeved, (1) boys 4/5 grey short sleeved...this could also work for a girl.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

And the 4th day of CHRISTmas

 Spend over $30 and get $5 faithful cash for next purchase!

The 12 days of CHRISTmas specials

I am behind a few days of blogging....but I LOVE the concept of the 12 days of CHRISTmas shopping specials.
The first day was- FREE SHIPPING!
The 2nd and 3rd day was AMEN bibs for $5 each (regular $7, pink or blue available)
Keep checking back for the rest of the 8 days!