Friday, February 25, 2011


Here it is!!! My new logo!
I am just in love with the look, perfect for what I want to represent!
I love butterflies, they have played several important roles in my life and seem to play in big changes that I have experienced. My boyfriend in college (now husband) always called me his "mariposa," butterfly in Spanish, he always sang me the Lenny Kravitz, "Butterfly" song to me, he proposed to me with a hand design ring setting of a butterfly...I know I have an amazing sweet and thoughtful husband! :)  At our wedding, after we said our "I do's," butterflies were released! Butterflies have been with us and in everything I do to this day!  I love watching butterflies flutter around our backyard and the excitement my son gets from it. Looking at the world through the eyes of a toddler is truly incredible and such a blessing!
My girlfriend that I ran college track with is extremely talented and created this amazing logo for me. THANK YOU CPdesigns! I am so blessed to have this fun hobby, making a difference in the lives others and whether it stays a hobby or turns into a successful business, I'm leaving that up to God. For now, I am enjoying the journey that God has taken me with PRAISEwear thus far. Its been great and am honored to share with you! I hope you enjoy this logo as much as I do! The Lord has blessed me with a sweet life and so excited to share that sweetness and love with you and your sweetest blessings!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

LOVE contest WINNER!


Bailey won this sweet LOVE contest! She is such a radiant, beautiful and happy little girl!
Her mom and I used to play Select, Junior high and High school basketball together
and its amazing how overtime we have reconnected through facebook.
We are in similar stages of our lives with our young families,
mommy home businesses...check out her amazing bows, she is so talented- OR 
and most importantly instilling the love of God in our children.
CONGRATS Bre and Bailey! A special Easter basket of goodies including a 
 PRAISEwear Easter shirt will be sent very soon!

Blessings from one family to another!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

LOVE contest!!

Share with all your friends and family!
Vote on your favorite picture by posting a comment with your
 favorite sweetest blessing number...example: sweetest blessing-12

Sweetest Blessings-1

Sweetest Blessing-2

Sweetest Blessing-3

Sweetest Blessing-4

Sweetest Blessing-5

Sweetest Blessing-6

Sweetest Blessing-7

Sweetest Blessing-8

Sweetest Blessing-9

Sweetest Blessing-10

Sweetest Blessing- 11

Winner gets a FREE Easter shirt and some other fun goodies!
Find PRAISEwear on Facebook
and if you have any questions please


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

who is your LOVEbug?

Who's your little LOVEbug?
Treat your precious daughter, grand-daughter, niece or
 just a sweet friend to a LOVEbug shirt.

Fuchsia with light pink

 LOVEtie and LOVEbug

My new favorite for the big girls- sizes 6 and 7/8
black with fuchsia, white with fuchsia and red with light pink

Bless your family with an affordable and sweet shirt
sharing your faith to the world!
That's what God wants us to do!

Please contact me at for questions or ordering.
Thanks and God bless!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Big girl LOVEbug shirt!

Thanks to my sweet customers with older girls in the family, I was able to do some big girl shirts, sizes 6 and 7/8! Now everyone in the family can share the faith in their LOVEbug shirts! I really like the black with hot pink/ fuchsia color. I am getting my plain white onesies with the hot pink/fuchsia color next week and will look very similar to the white shown below.

The blessing of the LOVEbug is that its a perfect Valentine's gift
however it can be a sweet "just because" gift too!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


As Valentine's day is quickly approaching, your little ones have to sport a cute a
purple LOVEbug on a multi-heart onesie or red LOVEtie on a white onesie
with the bible verse 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

 Today's PRAISEwear SPECIAL is:
Buy one onesie and get one Amen bib for FREE!!!

So do you have a little lovebug at home or someone that you can give as a gift? If so, contact
